Tuesday 3 August 2010

ART... AND THAT Aftermath, Thought Bubble and Twitter

Hi fans, just a quick one this time round. If you haven't read the rest of the PJCC members' debriefs on the launch of Art... And That, then, Forshame! I will say that it was truly amazing, the DLI Gallery and Empty Shop are top establishments and peoples, so massive thank yous to you guys. Another huge cheers me dears to Andy Waugh who helped organise our end of things, largely by putting the anthology together. 

I'm sharing a table with Andy at Thought Bubble this year and if you go here, you'll see our handsome faces. Blogger tells me I'm getting some traffic from the TB site, so if you're here because if that, say hi. Thought Bubble is taking place on 20th November, and pretty much all of the PJCC will be there in some capacity.

Also, on Friday, I drunkenly joined Twitter. Needless to say, my username has been changed to something sensible, @GB_COMICS if you want sporadic comics updates.

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