Saturday, 17 March 2012

Draw Everyday Part VIII

I suppose you may consider this cheating, as you probably saw it last week on the Facebook page. I've given the page a spruce up, with a new URL, so tell your friends to head over to rather than all of that cumbersome searching. I also did a new profile picture and cover photo as they're called. It's like a banner to go across the top of your page. The profile pic is a bit more of a gritty version of the badges and old logos, but with more fine details. I'm not really sure if it works, I think there's too much going on on the whole. But then again, I'm enjoying experimenting with textures, so get off my back, man.

The second one, I'm slightly more pleased with. I think I'm getting to grips with Sugar Glider's uniform. It's about time. I don't draw her gliding anywhere near as much as I probably should. In many ways, It's like how I never once managed to show the exterior of the bus in Nightbus. Some things are better left undrawn. 

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